Zeliha Kilic wins Tanner Award

Twenty-four faculty members and teaching assistants have been named winners of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s 2017 University Teaching Awards. The recipients were recognized during halftime of the men’s basketball game against Pittsburgh on January 31st. Chancellor Carol L. Folt also hosted a spring banquet in honor of the winners in April.
From the department of Mathematics, Zeliha Kilic won a Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Graduate Teaching Assistants
The University Committee on Teaching Awards encouraged students to nominate deserving faculty and graduate teaching assistants for the awards and oversees the selection process. The committee chose recipients who promote the value of undergraduate teaching by example, demonstrate concern for students through interaction and approachability inside and outside the classroom, create meaningful learning experiences and maintain high expectations of their students.
“Rewarding student-teacher relationships are the foundation for success at our University,” said James W. Dean, Jr., executive vice chancellor and provost. “Carolina is always proud of its talented faculty, and it is especially satisfying when students help the University recognize the meaningful impact our teachers make to their lives.”
Congratulations, Zeliha!