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Mathematics Spotlight

Kennedy Scholars Lead Groundbreaking Research in Mathematics and Applications

The inaugural cohort of Kennedy Scholars—Jonah Boan, Tyler Britt, Nicholas Mann, and Anh Nguyen—will receive research stipends to pursue innovative projects in areas such as geometric optimization, MHD propulsion, heart hemodynamics, and aortic valve modeling, thanks to the generous support of alumnus Dr. Daniel Kennedy.

Galloping Bubbles Earn APS Gallery of Fluid Motion Award for UNC Researchers

Professor Pedro Saenz and his team have won the APS Gallery of Fluid Motion Award for their video on symmetry breaking in galloping bubbles, recognized for its scientific and artistic excellence.

Beyond Textbooks: How Dr. Green and Ph.D. Student Menzel Enhance Quantitative Learning

Dr. Linda Green and Ph.D. student Connor Menzel are featured in the latest edition of Carolina Arts & Sciences magazine for their collaboration on the course “Reasoning with Data: Navigating a Quantitative World,” which encourages students to apply quantitative analysis to real-world issues.

More Mathematics Spotlights and News

Mathematics Research

Algebra, Geometry, and Topology

Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, Commutative Algebra, Complex Manifolds, Lie Groups And Algebra, Mathematical Physics, Representation Theory, Singularity Theory

Analysis and PDEs

Complex Analysis, Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory, Geometric Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Operator Theory, Mathematical Physics, Microlocal Analysis, Partial Differential Equations

Applied & Computational Math

Mathematical Theory, Modeling, Computation, Mathematical Biology, Medicine, Pharmacy, Mathematics Of Data Science, Experimental Fluids And Computational Laboratories