Mathematics Spotlight
UNC Mathematics Awarded GAANN Grant, Strengthening Graduate Pathways to Success
UNC’s Department of Mathematics has been awarded a 2024 GAANN grant to support graduate fellowships in mathematics, thanks to the dedicated efforts of Professor Yaiza Canzani.
Mathematics Research
Algebra, Geometry, and Topology
Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, Commutative Algebra, Complex Manifolds, Lie Groups And Algebra, Mathematical Physics, Representation Theory, Singularity Theory
Analysis and PDEs
Complex Analysis, Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory, Geometric Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Operator Theory, Mathematical Physics, Microlocal Analysis, Partial Differential Equations
Applied & Computational Math
Mathematical Theory, Modeling, Computation, Mathematical Biology, Medicine, Pharmacy, Mathematics Of Data Science, Experimental Fluids And Computational Laboratories