Phi Beta Kappa Initiates Exceptional Mathematics Scholars

We are very proud to announce that the following 14 mathematics majors and/or double majors were initiated on October 30, 2023 into the Alpha of North Carolina Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest and most honored college honorary society:
- Aryaman Bana
- Nicholas Chay Carter
- Madeline Kate Ellis
- Ryan Wade Helms
- Andrew James Hoffman
- Leah Mackenzie Howell
- David William Karash
- Ava Klissouras
- Marvin Burke Koonce IV
- Anna Elizabeth Lassiter
- Yi Niu
- Pratyush Seshadri
- Hanji Sun
- Kaibo Tang
Phi Beta Kappa was established by five students at the College of William & Mary during the American Revolution, driven by their shared motto, “Love of Learning is the Guide to Life.” In the midst of war, this began as a secret debating society, but over the next two centuries, it evolved into a vital institution. Phi Beta Kappa persists in celebrating individuals who demonstrate excellence through a comprehensive exploration of the arts and sciences during their undergraduate years. Its distinguished membership includes 17 U.S. Presidents, 38 U.S. Supreme Court Justices, and over 130 Nobel Laureates.
Congratulations everyone!