Sawon, Justin

Chapman Hall 441
Research Interests
Algebraic and differential geometry, topology, mathematical physics
Professional Background
BSc & MSc, University of Adelaide, Australia, 1994 & 1996; Ph.D., University of Cambridge, UK, 2000; Junior Research Fellow, New College, Oxford, UK, 1999-2002; Simons Instructor, Stony Brook University, 2002-2006; Assistant Professor, Colorado State University, 2006-2009
Research Synopsis
I use techniques of complex algebraic and complex differential geometry to study hyperkaehler geometry. This is a kind of geometry based on Hamilton's quaternions. It arises naturally in string theory and other areas of high-energy theoretical physics, and my work is often inspired by physical ideas.
Representative Publications
On Lagrangian Fibrations by Jacobians I
J. Sawon,
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 701, 127-151, 2015
Generalized Twistor Spaces for Hyperkähler Manifolds
R. Glover and J. Sawon,
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 91, 2, 321-342, 2015
Lagrangian Fibrations on Hilbert Schemes of Points on K3 Surfaces
J. Sawon,
Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 16, 3, 477-497, 2007