Geometric Methods in Representation Theory – Giacomo Nanni (Universita di Bologna)
Phillips Hall 385Title: Lagrangian Planes on Kummer-Type Manifolds
Title: Lagrangian Planes on Kummer-Type Manifolds
Topics in quantitative finance and the application of Markov Decision Processes Abstract. Quantitative hedge funds seek to apply scientific, mathematical, and statistical methods to the investment process so as to maximize risk-adjusted returns under certain constraints. In this talk, we … Read more
Title: Geometry of Dyck Paths
Wave phenomena in deformed square lattice media Abstract. The dynamics of waves in periodic media are determined by the band structure of the relevant Hamiltonian operator; degenerate points within the band structure may give rise to novel wave dynamics behavior. … Read more
Title: Addition of matrices at high and low temperatures
Title: Operadic analysis of parabolic induction
Conformally Rigid Graphs Abstract. Given a graph G=(V,E), the smallest (nonzero) eigenvalue of its Laplacian matrix is a fantastic measure for how connected the graph is (also known as the `algebraic connectivity'); for example: adding edges increases it. What if … Read more
Equations on the Wasserstein space and applications Abstract. The purpose of this talk is to give an overview of recent work involving differential equations posed on spaces of probability measures and their use in analyzing controlled multi-agent systems. Justifying the … Read more
Title: Haiman ideals, link homology, and affine Springer fibers
Title: Homology of spaces of curves on blowups
Title: Higher Rank Series and Root Puzzles for Plumbed 3-Manifolds
Title: Upper bounds of second eigenvalues on the sphere and the real projective space