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The third Triangle Computational and Applied Mathematics Symposium (TriCAMS) will be hosted by UNC Chapel Hill. The invited outside speaker will be Mike Shelley of New York University and the Flatiron Institute. The Inaugural TriCAMS was hosted in 2022 by NCSU.

The conference will have four Plenary talks, highlight exciting research happening throughout the Triangle and by Mike Shelley and his colleagues at the Flatiron Institute, as well as highlighting opportunities for scholars at all levels, and leave lots of time for interactions between the participants. In particular, there will be a Lightning Talk Session and an accompanying poster session. Graduate Students and Postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the Lightning Talks and Poster Session. Prizes will be awarded to the best poster submissions.

Plenary Speakers

Michael J. Shelley
New York University and the Flatiron Institute
Hangjie Ji
NC State

Highlights of cool research at UNC

Claudio Battaglini
Professor, Exercise and Sports Science;
Director, Graduate Exercise Physiology Program;
Co-Director, Exercise Oncology Laboratory
Greg Characklis
W. R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor,
Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering;
Director, Center on Financial Risk in Environmental Systems
Karin Leiderman
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics;
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics;
Computational Medicine Program;
Blood Research Center


Ronit Freeman
Associate Professor, Applied Physical Sciences
Alex McAvoy
Assistant Professor, School of Data Science and Society

Opportunities Panel

Amarjit Budhiraja
Professor of Statistics and Operations Research;
Senior Associate Dean of School of Data Science and Society
Robert Calderbank
Distinguished Professor of Computer Science,
Mathematics and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University;
Director of the Rhodes Information Initiative at Duke
Boris Grinshpun
Certara, Inc.


Mansoor Haider
Professor of Mathematics;
Director of the Foundations in Data Science MS Program at NC State
Jason Pearson
Simulations Plus, Inc.

About the Conference

The Research Triangle and surrounding southeast Atlantic region boasts a large and vibrant community in applied and computational mathematics spanning more than a dozen academic institutions, quite a few government agencies and laboratories, and numerous high-tech companies engaging in fundamental and applied research, interdisciplinary collaborations, biomedical and industrial applications, and education and outreach. The aim of the annual TriCAMS is to provide an opportunity for this community to discover one another, and to integrate, network, and collaborate toward common goals and aspirations rooted in applied and computational mathematics. The goals of TriCAMS are to:

  • highlight active areas of research and education and advances by the triangle and regional applied and computational mathematics community, spanning mathematical modeling, analysis, computation, and their application to challenges from the physical, biomedical, life and health sciences and engineering;
  • be a catalyst for present and future applied and computational mathematicians of all ages, backgrounds, and cultures to meet, pursue connections and collaborations across private and public institutions, disciplines and professions in the NC Triangle and surrounding region;
  • provide opportunities for private and public sector professionals, faculty, postdocs, graduate, and undergraduate students to highlight and share their research interests and accomplishments; and
  • develop a supportive and nurturing environment for the TriCAMS community.

Registration is both free and required for planning and security purposes.​ Everyone is encouraged to register as soon as possible since once capacity is reached, registration will be closed.

Lightning Talks

The lightning session is open to all participants who are interested in presenting a high-level snapshot of their research project or results for visibility to all TriCAMS participants. Each presentation is no more than 3 minutes (sharp). Those whose posters are accepted will have a chance to upload a video of their presentation in advance. The video will be available to all registered participants of TriCAMS. A random process will be used to determine the order of presentations and to select 30 presenters if there are more submitted presentations than available slots. Prizes will be given for the best posters!


211 Chapman Hall
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
205 S. Columbia St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514