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Huang, Jingfang

Jingfang Huang

Chapman Hall 449

Research Interests

Analysis based fast algorithms, integral equations, potential theory, scientific computing, fluid dynamics, molecular mechanics, quantum chemistry, data analysis

Professional Background

B.S. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. 1991; Ph.D. New York University, 1997; Associate Research Scientist, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 1997-1999; Postdoc Associate, Research Lab of Electronics, MIT, 1999-2000; Assistant, Associate, and full professor, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2000-present

Research Synopsis

One of the great challenges in both scientific research and engineering design is the development of a numerical framework that allows scientists to handle the multiple temporal and higher dimensional spatial scales that play a role in virtually all disciplines. Applying advanced tools from mathematical analysis, my research focuses on developing and delivering advanced numerical tools to address the challenges in important science and engineering applications. Current projects in my group include the fast evaluation of electrostatic and hydrodynamic interactions in biomolecular systems; electromagnetic and acoustic wave propagations in inhomogeneous media; computational tools for integral equation methods; and compressible features in large data sets and their efficient processing in a network setting.

Representative Publications

Numerical Simulation of Water Resources Problems: Models, Methods, and Trends
C.T. Miller, C.N. Dawson, M.W. Farthing, T.Y. Hou, J. Huang,C.E. Kees, C.T. Kelley, H.P. Langtangen,
Advances in Water Resources, 51, 405–437, 2013

Order N Algorithm for Computation of Electrostatic interactions in Biomolecular Systems
B. Lu, X. Cheng, J. Huang, J.A. McCammon,
PNAS, 103, 51, 19314–19319, 2006

A Wideband Fast Multipole Method for the Helmholtz Equation in Three Dimensions
H. Cheng, W.Y. Crutchfield, Z. Gimbutas, L.F.Greengard, J.F. Ethridge, J. Huang, V. Rokhlin, N. Yarvin, J. Zhao,
Journal of Computational Physics, 216, 1, 300-325, 2006