Henderson Medal
The Archibald Henderson Medal

The Archibald Henderson Mathematics Medal was established in 1931 and named after the late Archibald Henderson, a mathematician, teacher, literary critic, biographer, and historian. For fifty years Henderson was a member of the Department of Mathematics at Chapel Hill, first as student, then as full professor. This medal is awarded by the Department to undergraduate students for excellence in Mathematics: specifically in demonstrating a high degree of mathematical ability and the greatest promise of originality in the field.
Professor Henderson became department head in 1920, and was appointed Kenan Professor in 1925, serving until his retirement in 1948. Under his direction, the mathematics department expanded enormously, increasing its graduate program, adding extensive opportunities in pure mathematics, and acquiring a departmental library that was among the best in the South. The Archibald Henderson Mathematics Medal replaced the Major William B. Cain Award which had been established in 1908.

Past Recipients
- 2024: Abel Abraham
- 2023: Yizhou (Josie) Gu and Connor Magoon
- 2022: Austin Blitstein
- 2021: Alvis Zhaodh
- 2020: Daniel Pezzi
- 2019: Scott Emmons
- 2018: Shengding Sun
- 2017: David John Spencer
- 2016: Samual DeHority
- 2015: Anja Ellen Katsevich
- 2014: Marshall Ward Lochbaum
- 2013: Shreyas Samir Tikare and Nathan M. Vos
- 2012: William Arthur Schlieper, III
- 2011: George Perry Harabin
- 2010: Matthew Blair Hernandez
- 2009: Joshua Raymond Schwartz
- 2008: Gregory Liang Howard
- 2007: Erica Zuhr
- 2006: Steven T. Piantadosi and Timothy M. Stallmann
- 2005: Richard Christopher Waters
- 2004: Joshua A. Carter
- 2003: John P. Hobach and Shilpa M. Khatri
- 2002: Christopher Scott Hunkel
- 2001: Clark Barwick
- 2000: Daniel Goldstein
- 1998: Sanjai Gupta
- 1997: Nelia Charalambous
- 1996: Paul E. Rupe
- 1995: Bren Hetherwick
- 1994: Akira Negi
- 1993: Christopher Wiatt Myers
- 1992: Stefanie Anja Schoenbach
- 1988: Andrew Christopher Martin
- 1987: Robin Joseph Cunningham
- 1986: Garth Hampton Payne
- 1985: Adam Frederick Falk
- 1983: Nathan Blackburn Smyth
- 1982: Edward John Rak, Jr.
- 1981: Peter Niels Heller
- 1980: Samuel Ernest Landsberger
- 1979: John Stuart Norwood
- 1978: Steven Ross Thompson
- 1977: Unni Manboodiri
- 1976: Emily Stough Murphee
- 1975: Lenwood Scott Heath, Jr.
- 1974: William Floyd and Philip Green Castevens
- 1973: Michael Cortez Cox
- 1972: Ralph Martin May and Tavan Thomas Trent
- 1971: James Patrick Jarvis
- 1970: Thomas Jeffrey Logan
- 1969: Richard Joseph Schroer
- 1968: Craig Winston Harrington, Jr.
- 1967: Robert Lee Soo and Charles Dixon Cunningham
- 1966: Fred William Roush
- 1965: Lavon Barry Page
- 1964: Christopher Joseph Daly
- 1963: Frederick Hailey Proom and Ralph Conner Reid, Jr.
- 1962: John Bason Wagoner
- 1961: Julia Dunning
- 1960: James David Brock
- 1959: Albert Deal
- 1958: Klaus Witz
- 1957: Elizabeth Starnes Parker
- 1956: Maurice King
- 1955: John Gwynn
- 1954: Bonny Baker
- 1953: Robert Heath
- 1952: Nathan Russel Roberson, Jr.
- 1951: Harris Judson Hardy
- 1950: Arthur Simeon Winsor, Jr.
- 1949: Rodney Lee Borum
- 1948: Thomas Jefferson Peterson, Jr.
- 1947: John McDavid Loftis
- 1946: Charles Norwood Reilley
- 1945: Charles Lawton Hayes, Jr.
- 1944: Howard Gray
- 1943: John Moore Ruth
- 1942: Stephen Bruce Langfeld
- 1941: Irving Alperin
- 1940: Arthur Watts Clark
- 1939: Martin Bernard Kalkstein
- 1938: Leah Robinson
- 1937: Lawrence Earle Hinkle, Jr.
- 1936: Robert Hooke
- 1935: Robert Francis Furchgott
- 1934: Edward McDonald Serrem
- 1933: George Julian Koch
- 1932: Whitfield Cobb
- 1931: Georgia May Edgar
- 1930: Abraham Rosenblatt
- 1927: E. A. Cameron
- 1926: J. A. Upshaw
- 1925: R. C. Bullock
- 1924: V. A. Hoyle
- 1923: Z. T. Fortescue
- 1921: L. J. Phipps
- 1920: C. Edwards
- 1919: W. F. Hunter
- 1918: C. M. Hazlehurst
- 1917: W. F. Morrison
- 1916: C. S. Harris
- 1915: G. W. Smith
- 1914: W. S. Wicker
- 1913: H. W. Collins
- 1912: J. B. Scarborough
- 1911: A. L. Field
- 1910: G. C. Mann
- 1909: O. P. Rhyne