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Weng, Daping

Daping Weng

Assistant Professor

Research Interests

Cluster theory, representation theory, algebraic geometry, symplectic geometry, and mathematical physics

Professional Background

B. S. University of Chicago, 2012; Ph.D. Yale University, 2018; Visiting Assistant Professor Michigan State University, 2018-2021; Krener Assistant Professor UC Davis, 2021-2024

Research Synopsis

My research focuses on the study of cluster algebras and their applications in combinatorics, geometry, and representation theory. In recent years I have been working mostly on the connection between cluster theory and Legendrian links in low dimensional topology. I am also broadly interested in Poisson geometry, integrable systems, and mathematical physics.

Representative Publications

Augmentations, fillings, and clusters
H. Gao and L. Shen and D. Weng,
Geom. Funct. Anal., vol. 34, pp. 798-867, 2024

Microlocal theory of Legendrian links and cluster algebras
R. Casals and D. Weng,
Geometry and Topology, 28, pp. 901-1000, 2024

Cluster structures on double Bott–Samelson cells
L. Shen and D. Weng,
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 9:e66. doi:10.1017/fms.2021.59, 2021