Applied Math Colloquium – Juan M. Restrepo (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Title: Formulating Effective Models, Methods, and Conceptual Frameworks for the Geoscience
Pre-Colloquium Tea in PH 330 from 3:30-4pm.
Title: Formulating Effective Models, Methods, and Conceptual Frameworks for the Geoscience
Pre-Colloquium Tea in PH 330 from 3:30-4pm.
Title: Spin link homology
Title: Upper bounds of second eigenvalues on the sphere and the real projective space
Graduate students in Applied Math will be presenting their research in preparation for UNC’s 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) competition at the end of this month.
Title: Interpolation for polynomials in two variables
Pre-Colloquium Tea in PH 330 from 3:00-3:30pm.
Title: Higher Rank Series and Root Puzzles for Plumbed 3-Manifolds
This week our newer Postdoctoral Associates in Applied Math will be presenting extended abstracts of some of their recent work.
Title: Research at UNC’s Physical Mathematics Laboratory
Pre-Colloquium Tea in PH 330 from 3:00-3:30pm.
Title: Homology of spaces of curves on blowups
Meet Your Professors' Night: Connect with professors, explore research opportunities, and engage in lively discussions.
Title: Haiman ideals, link homology, and affine Springer fibers
Equations on the Wasserstein space and applications Abstract. The purpose of this talk is to give an overview of recent work involving differential equations posed on spaces of probability measures and their use in analyzing controlled multi-agent systems. Justifying the … Read more